Using Your Thermostat Correctly

Need Advice On How To Use Your Speedheat Floor Heating Thermostat Correctly?


Using your programmable thermostat correctly will ensure maximum comfort levels and reduce the energy consumption of your floor heating system.

With Speedheat every room can be independently controlled with a programmable thermostat.

We’ve listed some do’s and don’ts when using your floor heating thermostat:

 Setting a programmable room thermostat to a higher temperature will not make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on two things: the design of the room and the capacity of the floor heating system installed.
 Similarly, reducing the thermostat temperature setting does not affect how quickly the room cools down.  However, it will result in the room being controlled at a lower temperature and saves energy.
 Do set the thermostat to a temperature that you are comfortable with at the different times you have chosen. Any adjustment above this temperature will waste energy and cost you more money. 
The heater will use maximum power until the room reaches the specified set temperature.  The floor heating thermostat will then maintain this temperature at a third of the duty cycle, saving you energy. 
 When a room is not occupied, we recommend that you leave the thermostat on a lower setting rather than switching it off.  In that way, the floor and the room never become too cold.  Your heating system will use less electricity when you next need it to reach comfort temperature and the room will heat up faster.
 The placement of your floor heating thermostat is equally important.
Programmable room thermostats need a free flow of air to sense the temperature. Do not cover the thermostat by curtains or behind furniture.  Nearby electric fires, televisions, wall or table lamps may also prevent the thermostat from working properly and result in false readings.
 In addition, keeping heat loss to a minimum with floor insulation will make the heating system more efficient and consume even less electricity.

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